Immanuel Baptist
Frankfort, KentuckyWorship
At Immanuel, we have found that people come to church for different reasons: Some are joyful, some sad. Some are angry. Some seek peace or healing.
Whether or not we are aware of it, all of us are seeking connection with God through the corporate worship experience. Authentic worship, a fresh encounter with God, results in our transformation as individuals and as a church body.
When we meet God in worship and are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy for what God is doing and has already done through Jesus Christ, we are changed. Our celebration and service to others are natural outgrowths of that experience.
We believe that our worship is initiated by God. God reveals Godself and we respond to that revelation. And we are intentional about worship.
There are many pathways to God, so during our services we seek to offer a variety of ways to help people connect—through various worship elements such as praise, scripture, prayers, offerings and so on.
Our corporate worship is unlike worship anywhere else! This is because each person in our diverse congregation contributes a unique “flavor” to every worship experience. As our congregation evolves, so do our worship experiences.
Currently we have one Sunday worship service, at 10:30 a.m. in our sanctuary. Throughout each year we incorporate meaningful aspects from liturgical, traditional, contemporary, and global worship practices in our services.
We like to say that each service is “differently blended,” though our overall worship style currently might be described as primarily “traditional/liturgical.”
We hope that you will “come as you are” and join us in worship each Sunday. You’ll find that our congregation is warm, friendly and enthusiastic about worshiping God together!