Immanuel Baptist
Frankfort, KentuckyChildren’s Ministry
At Immanuel Baptist Church, we believe that children should be:
and serve!
We believe children are a valued and vital part of our church family and we are intentional about including children in all areas of worship, ministry, and fellowship.
Adult leaders are actively involved in the spiritual nurture and care of our children during the time they are with us.
Bible Study leaders engage boys and girls on a personal level and make every effort to ensure each child knows he or she is a special part of our church family and God’s Kingdom.
Children’s Chapel (for 1st – 5th graders) allows boys and girls to assume roles of worship leaders by reading Bible verses and litanies, passing the offering plate, and leading in prayer. Children hear age-appropriate messages and interact with Ms. Lisa as they learn about God’s plan for their life and God’s love for them.
Wednesday night activities for children begin at 5:30 with Rainbow Ringers, our children’s handbell choir for preschool – 6th grade. Boys and girls enjoy fellowship with their parents and other families during our fellowship meals at 6:00. Age-graded children’s choirs and M.I.A. (Ministers In Action) complete the night with music and mission opportunities.
A variety of other special events and activities for children and their families are scheduled throughout the year: Celebrate the Child Day, Daddy-Daughter Date Night, Kids’ Café, Read-a-Rama, Clue Hunt, Sunday lunch at GattiPizza, and a Birthday Party for Jesus, just to name a few.
We are committed to providing opportunities where children can “experience and express God’s unconditional love” at IBC, in Frankfort, and throughout God’s world.