Immanuel Baptist
Frankfort, KentuckySenior Adults
Our Senior Adult ministry is anchored by the XYZ (eXtra Years of Zest) Club which consists of members ages 55 and up.
The purpose of XYZ is:
■ to provide resources and activities that enhance individual spiritual enrichment
■ to provide opportunities for volunteer service involvement that adds meaning to life and increases self esteem, while assisting in meeting care needs of the group, the church family, and the community
■ to provide social and cultural opportunities to enhance the quality of life of members and their guests
XYZ Club meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month for a potluck luncheon, followed by a devotional and reports from club officers. Guest speakers provide programs on various topics of interest to seniors; guest musicians sometimes perform.
XYZ members enjoy day trips to various restaurants and points of interest in central Kentucky. Members frequently participate in various mission & outreach ministries, including Immanuel’s West Point Mission, Frankfort’s Food Pantry, Lexington’s Hope Center, etc. Several members of the group regularly visit homebound friends and friends in local nursing homes.
Immanuel’s Senior Adults serve in all areas of church life including deacon ministry, Sunday Bible study, various church ministry teams, special focus classes and exercise class.