1075 Collins Lane
Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601
Worship Opportunities
10:30 AM Sunday Worship

You're Invited!
Immanuel Baptist Church invites all those who have given up on church to give us a try. We are not perfect by any means, but we are different than a lot of churches.
We need one another. We believe that your presence is a gift to this community. Our fellowship of believers meet for worship at 1075 Collins Lane, Frankfort, next to Collins Lane Elementary School at 10:30 am on Sundays. We would love to see some new faces

Wednesday Evening Activities
6:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Practice
Our Values
- We value relationships over doctrine.
- We welcome your doubts and encourage questions.
- We welcome, accept, and affirm our LGBTQ sisters and brothers.
- We believe that loving God and loving/treating our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:34-40) is our most important task.
- We seek to embody the inclusive, unconditional love of Christ as our first priority. Everything else is secondary.
- We believe that we are called to be good stewards in taking care of our planet.
- We believe in working for the common good of all people, not just our particular group.
Due to an uptick in COVID cases, both in our congregation and the community as a whole, we will be worshiping virtually on Sunday, August 20th, 2023. In person services are cancelled. Sunday school classes will also meet virtually via zoom. We thank you for your...
IBC 2023 Relay for Life Team
IBC is working to reestablish our Relay for Life Team for 2023. We are currently looking for volunteers to serve as team members and leaders. This group will spearhead efforts to raise funds for this worthy cause. In the past, we have been one of the leading fund...
Tom Hewlett, Chair of the Deacons, announces that Dr. Terry Lester will be serving as our short-term, interim pastor during the month of July. Terry has graciously agreed to help transition our church from the end of Dr. Queen’s tenure until the beginning of Reverend...
IBC Celebrates Dr. Queen’s 21 years of Service!
Dr. Chuck Queen retired as Senior Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Frankfort, Kentucky today after more than 21 years of dedicated and faithful service. He began his work at Immanuel in August of 2002. Before coming to Frankfort, he pastored churches in Waldorf,...
Holladay Accepts Call to be IBC’s Next Senior Pastor
On Sunday, June, 11th, 2023, Emily Holladay accepted the congregation’s call to be its next Senior Pastor. She is currently the senior pastor of Village Baptist Church in Bowie, Maryland. Previously, Holladay has served as the Associate Pastor to Children and Families...